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Back Nine Greens

Back Nine Greens

Back Nine Greens

Back Nine Greens

Offering Transformative Landscapes Since 2003

Proudly Made in the U.S.A.US Flag

AZ Central Logo

Phoenix’s Trusted Artificial Grass Installers

For over 20 years, Arizona Artificial Lawns has been the trusted choice for residential and commercial artificial grass installations in Phoenix. We offer advanced products that save water, time, and money, with expert guidance throughout the entire process.

Why Choose Us?


Our USA made turf is recyclable and eco-friendly, reducing your carbon footprint.

Resource Conservation

Save up to 80% on water bills and eliminate the need for traditional landscaping.

BioCel™ Technology

Our soy-based polyurethane is a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based materials.

Heat Reduction

Enjoy a cooler, more comfortable surface with our heat-resistant turf.

synthetic grass around pool

Revolutionizing Green Spaces

Arizona Artificial Lawns combines cutting-edge technology with competitive pricing to deliver beautiful, low-maintenance green spaces. We handle everything from design to installation, ensuring your project meets your specific needs. Whether for your home or business, contact us today to start your installation.

Residential Applications

Enhance your yard and reduce water usage with our low-maintenance artificial grass. Focus on what you love, not yardwork.

Commercial Applications

Our durable turf is ideal for office buildings, playgrounds, and golf greens. We offer the best prices for high-traffic commercial installations.

What Our Customers Say

Artificial grass Financing Options from GreenSky
Finance Your Landscaping Project
2521 - 12 Months No Interest, No Payments - (84 Principal Pmts)
2631 - 18 Months No Interest, with Payments (84 months) - (66 Principal Pmts)
2716 - Reduced Rate 6.99% for 60 Months
1069 - Mixed Rate 0% for 6 Months Followed by 9.99% for 120 Months
Financing for GreenSky© credit programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex or familial status. NMLS #1416362; CT SLC-1416362; NJMT #1501607 C22

Arizona Artificial Lawns

1800 S 7th Ave, Suite 108
Phoenix, AZ 85007


Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM