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Artificial grass, synthetic grass, synthetic turf, artificial turf. It goes by many names, but they are the same product and it is no longer just for professional athletes. As people renovate their yards and companies update their commercial landscaping, more and more people are choosing to install artificial turf instead of sowing their spaces with grass. You will be surprised by the options that are now available for synthetic turf.

Why Artificial Grass?

Time and Money

Artificial grass installation is a booming business as more people realize the benefits over live grass in the residential home or commercial spaces. The reason that the majority of the customers of Arizona Artificial Lawns say they have chosen to install artificial grass is because of the time and money that they save over the life of their lawn. Synthetic turf doesn’t have to be watered so your water bill will decrease and you no longer have to worry about how you will water your lawn during the drought advisories. The mower can be sold and the time you did spend mowing your yard can now be used enjoying your outdoor living space. There is no longer the need for maintenance and purchasing gas for your mower, and you can remove the building out back that stores your mower. Add to all this the time and money you will save with not fertilizing, filling in low spots, and spraying for weeds. The value of your home will also increase with the installation of artificial grass.


Another reason home and business owners are choosing synthetic turf is that it is eco-friendly. At Arizona Artificial Lawns the materials that are used in the creation of the synthetic turf are made of recyclable and renewable resources. The synthetic turf that Arizona Artificial Lawns uses is made from BioCel which is a proprietary, soy-based polyurethane that incorporates soy polyols instead of petroleum based polyols. You will also conserve resources as you will save up to 80% on your water bill and no longer have to use petroleum-based fuels. With no chemicals needed to up-keep your synthetic turf, there will be less chemicals entering the water table from which you get your drinking water.

Ease of Use

It has already been mentioned about saving time on not having to mow, up-keep, and watering your yard with live grass, but with artificial grass you can always enjoy your lawn. Your lawn will dry quicker with the moisture draining through the artificial turf. There will no longer be muddy spots in your yard that need to be avoided. Your animals can’t dig up your yard and leave holes or low spots; not to mention those paws will be mud free. All-in-all, your yard will be green and usable year-round.

Artificial turfs are becoming the go-to for greenspaces as they can be used in residential and commercial applications. Greenspaces can now more easily be created on rooftops, apartment decks, or other spaces that won’t support living grass. Contact Arizona Artificial Lawns with your inquiries.